Greetings Coaches, 

Please find below the list of changes that have been implemented in today’s patch, available for both PC and consoles. 

Features for Consoles

Reconnection feature now available. 

Added the gamer progression page. 

Inducement rework: Inducements now adhere to the updated TT (Tabletop) rules. 


Addressed various clipping issues on different players. 

Resolved multiple animation glitches. 

Updated various materials and textures for improved visuals. 

Fixed the problem where loading screens were not displaying correctly across all screen resolutions. 

Fixed an issue where the end-turn timer’s visual and sound effects could overlap with the other manager’s full round timer. 


Updated various UI components and pages to enhance user experience. 

Rectified the issue caused by a «*» character at the end of a formation name. 

Fixed an issue that prevented competitions from loading when a category tab was empty. 

Fixed a crash that could occur in competition menus under specific timings. 

Corrected navigation problems when pressing the Esc button after opening the platform overlay. 

Resolved an issue where an «Infinite Contacting Server» prompt could appear after attempting to purchase a Blood Pass level. 

Fixed a problem where the title would enter a softlocked state after simultaneously opening the Pause Menu and the Save Formation window. 



Fixed a situation where losing connection and reconnecting during the second half of a match could result in a turnover. 

Addressed an issue where losing connection and reconnecting during a kick-off with the Solid Defense KOE resulted in users being unable to confirm their KOE player choices. 

Fixed a problem where losing connection and reconnecting after pausing during a kick-off led to users being unable to move any players in the first round. 

Disconnecting from a game now returns you to the main menu instead of the login screen. 

Addressed an issue where losing connection and reconnecting during a kick-off with the Quick Snap KOE caused users to be unable to move their players during the KOE. 

Addressed a rare crash that occurred when disconnecting during the loading screen. 

Utilizing the quit game button now concedes the match instantly and prevents your opponent from waiting for you to reconnect. 

Addressed a crash that could occur when a gamer reconnects to a game during an interception. 


Resolved an issue where the shadowing skill wheel did not appear in certain cases. 

Fixed a crash involving Morg’n’Thorg. 

Fixed a left/right click issue affecting camera movement. 

Rectified an issue where petty cash was not updated correctly at the beginning of the underdog phase in hotseat mode. 

Fixed an issue where the time-out kick-off event displayed incorrect information. 

Fixed a problem where player colors on the field and team colors in UI were inverted when using the distinctive colors option in campaign mode. 

Resolved an issue where the underdog’s timer started even if they were still watching a cutscene during the inducement phase. 

Fixed an issue during the inducement phase that allowed the «Ready» button to be pressed while inspecting the opponent’s team. 

Fixed a problem where the title would stop reacting to a gamepad controller input if the Pause Menu was invoked at the beginning of the Kick-Off phase. 

Resolved an issue where the title would soft lock when the first player ended their Inducements phase while the underdog player navigated in-game options simultaneously. 


Corrected multiple localization errors. 

Implemented various AI improvements. 

Fixed an issue where the title became soft locked when a player scrolled up or down while the ‘Success’ prompt was displayed in the tutorial. 

Resolved various black screen issues. 

Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented splash screens from being played. 

Fixed a problem that hindered the sending of competition invitations if a player already had many pending invitations. 

Added journeyman count in the TV for ladder matchmaking. 

Adjusted Dedicated Fans, now maxed at 7 for experienced teams (previously maxed at 6). 

Fixed an issue that allowed player customization to be equipped from another position. 

Thank you for your continued support, and we’ll see you on the pitch!


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