Season 3 – Patch Note

Hi Coaches,

Please find below the full Patch Note of Season 3 :

Main Features
* New faction
* Match, player and team statistics pages
* Inducement phase UI rework: added information on opponent’s team ranking and roster
* Added Multiple Block skill
* Added 4 new starplayers (Grim Ironjaw, Horkon Heartripper, Bryce Cambuel, Ivan Deathshroud)

Official ladder changes
* Concede penalty in official ladder: temporary ban from queuing when conceding too often
* TV cap in official ladder lowered to 1.8M TV

**Additions and improvements**
* Added match, player and team statistics pages
* Added an informative pop-up when trying to modify a team while searching for an opponent
* Added the Create Competition button in the League menu
* Many menu and server optimizations


* Fixed an issue preventing to display every teams of a manager when trying to invite a team in a competition
* Fixed an issue that could prevent the replay button to appear on a match report
* Added the draws column in private competitions Ranking page
* Fixed an issue that allowed non admin players to visually change some competition parameters in the menu
* Fixed an issue that could prevent to display tooltips in the menus
* Journeymen MVPs will now be displayed in match report screen
* Fixed an issue causing team names not being displayed in match report screen

Replay & Spectating
* Added Faction, Match type and Team value filters in the Community Live tab
* Turn buttons are now clickable at anytime in Replay mode
* Weather and kick-off events dice are now displayed in the match modifiers pop-up in spectator mode
* Fixed an issue that could cause a loss of focus when using a controller in replay mode after inducements phase

**Additions and improvements**
* Juggernaut, Stand Firm, Dirty Player, Dauntless, Shadowing and Disturbing presence skills icons have been reworked to improve readability
* Improved the 3D dice spawning position when displaying skills and assists on top of players
* Added Multiple Block skill
* Added 4 new starplayers (Grim Ironjaw, Horkon Heartripper, Bryce Cambuel, Ivan Deathshroud)
* Inducement phase UI rework: added information on opponent’s team ranking and roster
* Various AI improvements
* Forced the camera to focus on Secret Weapon rolls to improve readability
* Players with Kick skill will now be chosen by default for kick-off when possible


* Fixed an issue that could softlock the game when evoking pause menu and Wizard panel simultaneously with a controller
* Many minor animations and clipping issues fixed
* Fixed an issue allowing both managers to buy and use the Biased Referee inducement
* Fixed an issue causing the camera follow option to reset each drive
* Secret Weapon is now displayed in the dice log
* Fixed an issue on the apothecary wheel in case of a KO not displaying the right icon
* Halfling Master Chef rolls are now displayed in the dice log
* Fixed a rare issue that could cause a crash when reconnecting to a match
* Fixed a bug that prevented the Chainsaw Foul visual animation to play if the roll was failed
* Fixed an issue with Running Pass skill that made passing zones to remain displayed after a quick pass
* Fixed an issue causing injuries icons to disappear at the end of a drive
* Fixed an issue causing skills not being automatically displayed on the pitch for journeymen, mercenaries and Star Players
* Fixed an issue causing Validate and Continue button to remain displayed during end of match events or ingame pauses
* Fixed an issue displaying wrong shortcut for Player Categories ingame option
* Fixed an issue causing the Landing roll during a Throw Team-mate not being displayed in the dice log
* Fixed an issue causing a white square to appear in the dice log for Plague Ridden
* The add a skill to a mercenary pop-up will no longer appear when manager has not enough treasury or petty cash
* Fixed an issue causing Friends with the ref Prayer to Nuffle being lit up after the end of a drive (visual bug only)
* Fixed an issue that could cause Turnover animation to be played twice in some cases
* Fixed players with 2 MA or less having to roll to standup while having Jump Up skill
* Canoneer skill is now applied when using the Hail Mary Pass skill
* Fixed an issue displaying Very Long Legs instead of Leap in the dice log
* Fixed an issue that could prevent Brawler skill to appear in the dice log when used on a single dice block roll
* Fixed an issue causing Sidestep skill to appear twice in the dice log
* Fixed an issue allowing rooted player to use Diving Tackle or Shadowing skill
* Fixed an issue causing modifier not being applied on a both down result when using Chainsaw
* Attacker traits such as Bone Head will now be rolled before an opponent’s skill such as dump-off
* It is now possible to Rush in order to use Jump-over skill
* Secret Weapons will now always be sent-off before other end of drive effects

See you at 5pm GMT on the pitch!


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